Blog Introducing Myself

Hello, everyone. My name’s Paige. Also known as Paigey or Hoiley by my friends and family. I have been enrolled at the Global Academy for 3 years now, as I joined for year 10 and now starting my first year of sixth form. It was probably one of the best decisions I made because it allowed me to think more about what I want to work towards in the future. In media I enjoy Content Production. Content is what is being presented to the audience, or what the movie is about on the surface. Form is how the movie is presented. For example, two very different films can share the same content, form being what makes them different from one another..Also, I am a footballer and it is my passion. It takes up most of my life as I train most of the week after school and have games on the weekends. Even mid-week some weeks. Even when I do not have training for games, which is extremely rare, I am still doing something to do with my club. I play for West Ham United Womens who are a team based is East London and Essex. You may know the club for their infamous Declan Rice or Mark Noble. Or even their beautiful 60,000-seat London Stadium which resides in Stratford. I was born on December 5th 2005 and fun fact; it was a waxing crescent moon on the day I was born. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. I was born in Hillingdon UK, and my backgrounds are Indian and English. I also currently have 2 dogs and a cat. I also have an older brother named Rhys, who was born on September 29th 2003. I strongly believe in the quotes ‘Everything happens for a reason’ and ‘There is always light at the end of the tunnel’. Anway’s, that’s a short introduction about me and all the relevant things 😊 


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